As fast as your Internet connection could be, it'll do no good to access online content material in case the remote server has bad online connectivity or in case its network card has small capacity and cannot deal with all the incoming and outgoing traffic. In the event that you have your very own hosting machine, this can greatly affect the consumer experience of your site visitors and if they cannot open your site as a consequence of capacity problems or the webpages load slowly, they will most probably close the website and it is more than likely that they will not return. In this light, when you obtain a new hosting machine, it is very important to examine not only the most obvious attributes such as hard disk, monthly traffic quota, central processing unit speed and physical memory, but also the bandwidth and the network card as to make sure that even in the case of substantial traffic to and from the machine, your site visitors won't experience connection-related issues.

Server Network Hardware in Dedicated Servers Hosting

In the event that you host your sites and applications on a dedicated server from our company, you will not only get potent hardware that can handle incredible load, but you will enjoy very fast access speed to your content. All machines feature gigabit network cards and the internal network in our data center in the town center of Chicago is designed with the most current equipment to be sure that there will not be any issues even in case a large number of people access your websites and generate a lot of inbound and outgoing traffic. We use multi-gigabit fiber routes, thus the loading speed of your internet site shall depend exclusively on the Internet connection of your site visitors considering the fact that we've done everything feasible to offer an infrastructure which allows you to get the most of your dedicated server package. With our services you shall never need to worry about any interruptions or slow loading speeds of any website.